After a week of totally unscientific polling, in which visitors to my Facebook page listed their favorite crime/thriller/mystery writers, we came up with a list of 276 beloved writers. They’re listed here in a ranked order–and I’m vain enough to be relieved that visitors to my page like my books! With 276 writers, there are bound to be ones you never encountered, so here’s to some happy reading days ahead–a way to avoid thinking about the endless cold or endless drought–whichever your particular affliction may be.

Paretsky | Sara | |
Grafton | Sue | |
Crombie | Deborah | |
Penny | Louise | |
Sayers. | Dorothy | L. |
Bland | Eleanor | Taylor |
James | P.D. | |
Allingham | Margery | |
Christie | Agatha | |
Kellerman | Faye | |
Barnes | Linda | |
Muller | Marcia | |
Peters | Elizabeth | |
Stabenow | Dana | |
Lehane | Dennis | |
Burke | Alafair | |
George | Elizabeth | |
King | Laurie | R. |
Rendell | Ruth | |
Rozan | S.J. | |
Spencer-Fleming | Julia | |
Winspear | Jacqueline | |
Hammett | Dashiell | |
Stout | Rex | |
Cody | Liza | |
Evanovich | Janet | |
Hess | Joan | |
Maron | Margaret | |
McDermid | Val | |
Millar | Margaret | |
O’Connell | Carol | |
Reichs | Kathy | |
Burke | James | Lee |
MacDonald | John | D. |
Barr | Nevada | |
Burke | Jan | |
Fairstein | Linda | |
Greenwood | Kerry | |
Grimes | Martha | |
Larsson | Åsa | |
Leon | Donna | |
Lippman | Laura | |
Marsh | Ngaio | |
Rice | Craig | |
Sjöwall | Maj | |
Conan | Doyle | Arthur |
Kellerman | Jonathan | |
Krueger | William | Kent |
Leonard | Elmore | |
Vargas | Fred | |
Atkinson | Kate | |
Beaton | M.C. | |
Black | Cara | |
Davis | Dorothy | Salisbury |
Davis | Lindsey | |
Flynn | Gillian | |
French | Tana | |
George | Anne | |
Gordon | Alison | |
Gran | Sara | |
Griffiths | Elly | |
Gur | Batya | |
Highsmith | Patricia | |
Hill | Susan | |
Hughes | Dorothy | |
Läckberg | Camilla | |
MacInnes | Helen | |
Marklund | Liza | |
Matera | Lia | |
McIntosh | D.J. | |
McPherson | Catriona | |
Mina | Denise | |
Moyes | Patricia | |
Orczy | Emma | |
Ryan | Hank | Phillipi |
Sigurðardóttir | Yrsa | |
Stewart | Mary | |
Storey | Alice | |
Tey | Josephine | |
Walters | Minette | |
Waters | Sarah | |
Chandler | Raymond | |
Connelly | Michael | |
Crais | Robert | |
Creasey | John | |
Fforde | Jasper | |
Francis | Dick | |
Gardner | Earl | Stanley |
Grisham | John | |
Higgins | George | V. |
King | Stephen | |
Larsson | Stieg | |
MacDonald | Ross | |
Mankell | Henning | |
Parker | Robert | |
Thomas | Ross | |
Thompson | Jim | |
Wahlöö | Per | |
Westlake | Donald | |
Abbott | Megan | |
Abbott | Patty | Nase |
Adams | Ellery | |
Aird | Catherine | |
Albert | Susan | |
Allen | Stacy | |
Andrews | Donna | |
Anthony | Evelyn | |
Armstrong | Charlotte | |
Atwood | Taylor | Phoebe |
Aubert | Rosemary | |
Bartlett | Lorraine | |
Blackwell | Juliet | |
Blómkvist | Stella | |
Bowen | Gail | |
Bowen | Rhys | |
Brackett | Leigh | |
Braddon | Mary | Elizabeth |
Brand | Christianna | |
Braun | Lilian | Jackson |
Brown | Rita | Mae |
Byerrum | Ellen | |
Campbell | Bonny | Jo |
Capponi | Pat | |
Carlton | Marjorie | |
Clark | Marcia | |
Cleeves | Anne | |
Conley | Jen | |
Cooper | Susan | Rogers |
Cornue | Virginia | |
Cornwell | Patricia | |
Coup | Terri | Lynn |
Cross | Amanda | |
Delany | Vicki | |
Dereske | Jo | |
DiSilverio | Laura | |
Donaghue | Emma | |
DuMaurier | Daphne | |
Duncan | Elizabeth | J. |
Dunn | Carola | |
Ellison | J.T. | |
Fossum | Karen | |
Fradkin | Barbara | |
Fraser | Antonia | |
Frazer | Margaret | |
Freveletti | Jamie | |
Gagnon | Michelle | |
Gardner | Lisa | |
George | Kaye | |
Gilbert | Michael | |
Goldstein | Debra | |
Graham | Caroline | |
Graves | Sarah | |
Gray | Alex | |
Hamilton | Denise | |
Harlick | Robin | |
Harris | Charlaine | |
Harris | C.S. | |
Hendricks | Vicki | |
Hillerman | Anne | |
Jaffarian | Sue | Ann |
Jance | J.A. | |
Jennings | Maureen | |
Jones | Darynda | |
Jones | Elizabeth | |
Keene | Carolyn | |
Keller | Julia | |
Kendall | Kay | |
Kijewski | Karen | |
La | Plante | Lynda |
Linds | Gayle | |
Locke | Attica | |
Lockridge | Frances | |
Lombri | Linda | |
Lutz | Lisa | |
MacInerney | Karen | |
Maffini | Mary | Jane |
Maffini | Victoria | |
Massey | Sujata | |
Matthews | Francine | |
McClendon | Lisa | |
McCullough | Karen | |
McLeod | Charlotte | |
Milchman | Jenny | |
Moss | Jennifer | |
Munger | Kate | |
Nabb | Magdalen | |
Neuhaus | Nele | |
O’Connor | Gemma | |
O’Shaughnessy | Perri | |
Paton | Walsh | Jill |
Pawel | Rebecca | |
Perry | Anne | |
Pauwels | C.L. | |
Pickens | Cathy | |
Robb | J.D. | |
Roos | Kelly | |
Rule | Ann | |
Sanxay | Holding | Elizabeth |
Sartor | Nancy | |
Sellers | L.J. | |
Shames | Terry | |
Slaughter | Karin | |
Sokoloff | Alexandra | |
Spindler | Erica | |
Staincliffe | Cath | |
Stevens | Chevy | |
Terrell | Beth | |
Terrell | Jaden | |
Thompson | Lesley | |
Tursten | Helene | |
Unger | Lisa | |
Welsh | Louise | |
White | Ethel | Lina |
Wilson | Laura | |
Wilson | Wesley | Valerie |
Zeh | Juli | |
Abbott | Jeff | |
Atkins | Ace | |
Baldacci | David | |
Bronzini | Bill | |
Bruen | Ken | |
Buchan | John | |
Cain | James | M. |
Campbell | Robert | |
Carr | Caleb | |
Charteris | Leslie | |
Clifford | Joe | |
Cohen | Gabriel | |
Cohen | Jeff | |
Costain | Thomas | B. |
Crispin | Edmund | |
Dexter | Colin | |
Dickson | Carr | John |
Freeling | Nicholas | |
Gil | Bartholomew | |
Goldsborough | Robert | |
Grabenstein | Chris | |
Greeley | Andrew | |
Greene | Graham | |
Hallinan | Tim | |
Handler | David | |
Harris | Thomas | |
Hewson | David | |
Hiaasen | Carl | |
Hillerman | Tony | |
Hopkins | Bill | |
Hughes | Declan | |
Innes | Michael | |
Isles | Greg | |
James | Dean | |
James | Seeley | |
Kerr | Phillip | |
Koryta | Michael | |
Lockridge | Richard | |
McGarrity | Michael | |
McGinty | Adrian | |
Monson | Mike | |
Nesbø | Jo | |
Neville | Stuart | |
Patterson | James | |
Pears | Iain | |
Peters | Ellis | |
Pierce | Rob | |
Pitts | Tom | |
Poe | Edgar | Allen |
Preston | Douglas | |
Queen | Ellery | |
Rankin | Ian | |
Rhatigan | Chris | |
Rosenfelt | David | |
Sansom | C.J. | |
Simenon | Georges | |
Twain | Mark | |
White | Dave | |
Willieford | Charles | |