Pay Dirt Launch – Lawrence Public Library talk

Author: paretsky

May 24, 2024

Pay Dirt Launch – Lawrence Public Library talk

The Lawrence Public Library and Raven Book Store hosted Sara during the launch of Pay Dirt. You can hear her full talk here.


April 16, 2024

The Good Reviews Keep Coming

Pay Dirt has hit the stands, and the reviews are clear that THIS is the book to read. It’s made USA Today’s April booklist, as well as those of Crime […]


January 22, 2024

Want a Free Paretsky Short Story?

Pay Dirt is a prequel to the adventures of Cady Perec. Cady is a social studies teacher in Lawrence, Kansas, who plays a big role in Pay Dirt. She also appeared […]


January 22, 2024

Get a Free Paretsky Short Story

Pay Dirt is a prequel to the adventures of Cady Perec. Cady is a social studies teacher in Lawrence, Kansas, who plays a big role in Pay Dirt. She also appeared […]


December 24, 2023

One Last Favor

Have you ever had to work for someone who was so entitled they thought you should sweep the sidewalk in front of them? A friend of mine did when life […]


December 17, 2023

Sara on the Axe Files

Sara joined David Axelrod, founder and director of the University of Chicago Institute of Politics, on his CNN podcast The Axe Files. She talked about her family history, the recent […]


September 5, 2023

David Thompson Special Service Award

Sara is pleased to be this year’s recipient of the David Thompson Special Service Award, given by the Bouchercon Board to honor the memory and contributions to the crime fiction […]


April 28, 2023

Coming April 16, 2024: Pay Dirt

V.I. Warshawski is famous for her cool under fire, her sardonic humor, and her unflinching courage. All that changed when a case ended with a father killing the child she’d been hired to find. She’s second-guessing herself, forgetting to eat, forgetting her workout.


February 4, 2022

Sal’s Gin and Grits

Opening scene; ext shot, Sal’s Gin and Grits. This is a dingy building on an urban street, windows heavily barred and with thick blinds blocking any view of the interior. A door of re-enforced steel is locked. Surveillance cameras cover the sidewalk.


November 17, 2021

Tom Phillips Changed My Life

The summer I turned 19, in 1966, Martin Luther King came to Chicago to support the local Civil Rights movement in their fight for open housing, and for access to jobs. The Presbytery of Chicago supported this mission, and asked for college students volunteers, who would be embedded in the neighborhoods, and assist in any way asked of them.

