It’s that time of year, winter bleeding into spring, when we celebrate Black History, Women’s History, and the Oscars. So here’s a little quiz to get you in the mood.
Note: I post twice a month on a blog called the Chicago Outfit Collective, and this is what I plan to put up on February 18, when it’s my turn to post there again. I realize that many of you are international readers and that this quiz is totally US-centric–but if you have some international questions you think I should add, let me know. I’ll post the answers next week.
1. Who is Loveleen Tandan?
2. Recent reviews of the work Tandan co-created appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker, and Time-Out Chicago. Plus or minus two, how many times was Tandan’s name mentioned in total in all these reviews?
3. Age cannot wither her
a. What was the age difference between Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft in The Graduate?
b. What is the age difference between Hoffman and Emma Thompson in Last Chance Harvey?
c. How old was Julia Roberts when the studios decided she was no longer the sexy young love interest, but was now the quirky aging feminist, Katherine Watson, in Mona Lisa Smile?

(Note: Roberts may be making a glamour queen comeback for studios desperate for star power)
4. Match the person to the organization or movement they founded or led.
i. Ella Baker ii. James Bevel iii. John Lewis iv. Doris Nash v. Fannie Lou Hamer vi. Dorothy Height vii. Martin Luther King
a. SNCC (Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee)
b. Mississippi Freedom Party
c. National Council of Negro Women
d. Nashville-Jackson Freedom Ride

5. Of the women leaders listed, which were invited to speak at the Lincoln Memorial when King made his famous “I have a dream” speech?
6. Sticks and stones
“Hottie,” “chick,” and “babe” are often used as synonyms for “woman,” including sometimes in the Chicago Outfit blog.
a. What images or feelings do these synonyms elicit?
b. List three synonyms for “man” that elicit the same images or feelings
7. Three years after graduating from university, U.S. women’s salaries are what percentage of men who are doing the same work, with both working full-time?
a. 100 (i.e., equal)
b. 127
c. 75
d. 62
8. Thirty years after graduating from university, women’s salaries are what percentage of men who are doing the same work, with both working full-time?
a. 100
b. 127
c. 75
d. 62
9. Before becoming White House social secretary, Desiree Rogers headed:

a. The Social Register
b. North Shore Gas
c. The Illinois State Lottery
d. The North Shore Gourmet Club
e. People’s Gas
10. Support for contraceptives for low-income women was removed from the economic stimulus bill because:
a. Women need to have more babies to pay for the stimulus package down the road
b. Babies require women to spend more money on health care and diapers which will further stimulate the economy
c. Women who decide when and whether to get pregnant are “playing God” with their bodies and need men in government or religion to tell them “how to live their lives right.”
11. What percentage of movies released between 2004 and 2008 depict the female lead as a stripper or a hooker or both?
a. 7
b. 27
c. 67
d. 87