I rely on a team who don’t know my friends to pick the winners every week so that selection can be unbiased. Thanks to everyone who remembered that VI’s father was a cop–although those who thought she was cozying up to Officer Mota before Breaking and Entering were right, too. Anyway, special congratulations to Michael O’Neill and Andi Schechter for winning in this week’s random drawing. Email your addresses to me (viwarshawski@mindspring.com) and we’ll get signed paperbacks of Breakdown out to you ASAP.

Where is the Girl Detective now? And why is she sporting Guardian Angel instead of Breakdown? And please remember: only entries emailed to whereisvi@mindspring.com will be considered
a. She’s in front of Cloud Gate at Millennium Park
b. She’s in front of the Unisphere in Flushing Meadows
c. She’s in front of the Water Gate hotel in Georgetown
d. She’s in front of the Spirit of Chicago in Jackson Park
As to why she’s sporting Guardian Angel, is it
a. Sara forgot to photo-shop the base
b. The case still weighs V I down after all these years
c. Everyone needs a guardian angel; V I just carries her around with her
d. She wanted to see how alert people looking at the blog were