Our contest continues! This week, V I Warshawski is standing on Washington Street, near Grant Park, with Officer Mota of the Chicago Police Department. V I is often prickly, some might say confrontational, with the CPD’s finest, so what’s going on here?
a. V I is trying to fool the police into thinking she’s following their rules, but as soon as Officer Mota leaves, she’s off for a spot of breaking & entering
b. When V I’s beloved cousin Boom-Boom’s hockey career came to an end, he did a stint with the CPD before his untimely drowning
c. V I’s father Tony was part of the CPD and she still knows some of his old friends on the force
d. When V I’s adored mother Gabriella was murdered, the CPD tracked down the killer; V I continues to be grateful
Once again, only answers that are emailed to: whereisvi@mindspring.com are eligible.
Thanks for playing.
And CONGRATULATIONS to the Week 2 winners: Daniel O’Shea and Kate Wilson! As soon as we have books available we’ll get them out to you.
PS on a personal note, today is my husband’s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COURTENAY!